Our Mission. PeakFiber Broadband is building a new, 100% pure fiber-optic access network to serve all Logan County addresses to make our community a smart one, where people want to live, work and play.
How We Are Different.
No Self-Install Boxes. Our PeakSquad comes to you and delivers a turn-key conversion from your current provider. Everything works as it should when we leave your property.
At PeakFiber, you join a community of users. Our team is made up of your neighbors; and our team members are guided by simple rules like "Do the right things, be leaders in our community, and treat people as you would like to be treated."
National companies hire contractors to build networks, where price is the main factor. At PeakFiber, our employees build our network. They monitor and maintain it. (Yep - regular maintenance) And when storms hit - they repair it. The uptime difference is big.
24 x 7 x 365 Support and Customer Service - by our employees and our Wapakoneta Ohio call center partner.
Fiber-optic access at your home or business increases property value by thousands of dollars. Old phone and cable - umm, not so much.
No Bait-and-Switch Pricing. We don't play those games. And prices only increase when absolutely necessary. Plus our sales consultants will help you choose the right package, and handle any landline, mobile phone, and TV/movies needs.
100% Local. Stop by our HQ at 1213 W. Sandusky Ave., or our downtown office at the Logan County Chamber of Commerce.
Finally, profits from are reinvested into the community through the Bellefontaine-Logan County Finance and Development Authority.